Hi ya’ll! I am Maggie, I am the designer and the content creator behind the scenes in this corner of the virtual world. First of all, thank you for reading me, I am so glad you are interested in my content and creations.

This is me and my son, Noah, at one of my favorite places on earth, Maine, my now home state:

About Zamiguz Maggie and son Noah
Hight Of Land, Rangeley, ME, USA

That’s right, I live in the freezing, but beautiful state of Maine, in the US. I haven’t always lived here though. I was born in Brazil and came to the US in 2012 to marry my then fiancé, Jason. He lived in Texas at the time, so we had our home there for four years after we got married. Our son was born in 2013, then we moved to Maine in 2016 and have been here since then.

Well, since I was born in Brazil, my mother language is Portuguese. Something curious about speaking English as a second language, for me, is that I still have a hard time understanding jokes. If you ever have an opportunity to tell me a joke and I don’t laugh at it, that may be the reason.

Now you may be wondering why on earth will someone leave the warm weather of Texas for the cold winters of Maine!? The reason is my husband was born in Maine, his mom and siblings live here. We moved because we wanted to raise our son around family.

At first, I used to say all the time how I hated the Maine cold winters. But after these past years living here, I have become more and more comfortable with it. Everything else is beautiful in Maine… and the Lobstahs are delicious!

This is my little family:

About Zamiguz Maggie's family
Family on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC, USA

The reason why I started this blog

I wanted to share my handmade adventures with you! My passion for handmade started when I was 8 years old. Crochet was the first craft I thought myself. At the time, I saw a lady crocheting and told myself “self, you can do that”. I remember standing there in silence watching her hands. When l went home I asked my mom to buy me a crochet hook and asked my grandma to give me one of her hand spun cotton yarn balls.

When I first started crocheting, I remember my frustration to have all my “projects” to ruffle up because I couldn’t get the counting right. However, giving up was not something my stubborn little self would do. I kept trying and trying until I got it right. Crochet has a very special place in my crafty heart.

My maternal grandma, Florencia, used to be very crafty. Watching her to spin cotton yarn in her wheel and then using it to weave blankets for the family, in a loom, was a big influence to me. My mom still has some of the handmade blankets she made.

Then I taught myself how to sew, cross stitch, embroider, draw and doll making. My passion for almost everything handmade never ended since then. Knitting was something that I didn’t learn until a few years ago, I haven’t mastered it yet, but I enjoy it.

I will be sharing my passion for crafts here, mostly crochet tutorials. 

Why “Zamiguz”?

That’s a made up word, but it has a personal meaning. I created an instagram page to share my crochet projects a few years ago. At that time I was mostly into Amigurumi and I wanted to share pictures of my creations on a social media platform for fun. That’s when I got the first five letters of the word amigurumi and added a “z” on each end of it. I wanted to play with it to make it unique… then, voilá! A name for my handmade business was created. When I got serious about starting my business, I thought about changing it, but my husband talked me into keeping it. He thought it was nice how unique it was.

I would love to connect with you, follow me on my social media, I am always posting new stuff about my creations. You can find me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest as Zamiguz.

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